Cardio Kickboxing

This high-energy workout is challenging for all levels, beginner or experienced athelete! This group fitness class that combines martial arts techniques with fast-paced cardio. You’ll build stamina, improve coordination & flexibility, as well as burn calories and  build lean muscle with this fun and challenging workout.

Equipment Needed:
In-Studio: Clothes you like to move and sweat in | Water Bottle
At Home: Clear space to move 

Experience Level:
All Levels Welcome


HIdden for now

I began my membership with Community Fitness about 3 years ago, prior to the pandemic, because I found out my favorite dance instructor was there, Medora Cesarano. Honestly, the joy and ‘frolic’ that exists in just that one hour is THE MOST addictive and magical experience I’ve ever had the pleasure of stumbling into. 

Julie Wade | Dance Fitness Testimonial
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